Thursday, May 10, 2012

How to dress better in two minutes

It’s Friday night, and you are getting ready to go on your first date with someone you have never met before.  The first thing we all think of is “What am I going to wear?”  This can be nerve racking on so many levels.   OH THE HORROR! OH THE HORROR!

Will it be the purple floral patterned dress or the dangerous red dress?  Both dresses send two totally different messages. The purple dress says Mary Poppins is in the house, while the red dress is speaking in tongues (LOL).

The truth is that, what we wear matters.

Fresh to Death

“Fresh to death” in the urban dictionary literally means well dressed, fashionable, and cool till the very end. I use this term quite often to compliment my family and friends.  The immediate response that I get back from them is a beaming smile. With Swag on a thousand trillion, they start strutting around the room with undeniable confidence.  Your clothes should enhance what is already on the inside of you. Where quietness and confidence dwell, there is strength. Have you ever noticed that when models walk down the runway, they don’t have to say one word? We just know that they are confident.

In the book of Ephesians 4 verse 24 it says to “put on the new man”.  The Greek term for “put on” is enduo which means “to be clothed”.   In order to be able to wear new attire we must first throw away the old clothes with holes in them.  I will rock HOLY but not holey!  Our new clothes will be stitched with love, joy, peace, patience, virtue, and kindness.  When we put them on, we become untouchable making us the best dressed in the room.

Decide to stand out

I’m convinced that the best choice of clothes that we can wear to any event is our new man. It takes no time at all, and literally in seconds you are made new. All you have to do each morning when you get up is say “I’m putting on my new man”.   Brand new beginnings start with small consistent changes.

Love your hearts outJ

Marshall Season

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Welcome to my world

Hello everyone! Welcome to the ocean of my heart. Here you will find the issues that flow seamlessly out of my heart to the shore of this unpredictable world. The deep places with the roaring waves that sometimes consume me. While on the other hand, the intense waterfall turning points of life. From out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. My life is very colorful. I live to LOVE radically!  I radically love Jesus because he radically saved me with his extravagant love.  Having the heart of a child allows me to ride some of the most glorious roller coaster rides with my Father. How awesome is that! What kid would not want to ride a roller coaster every day? Whether it’s going UP the roller coaster or going DOWN, his LOVE NEVER FAILS.

Colors of Life

There are many colors of Grace in my life. There is a color for being a wife, mother, daughter, friend evangelist, and many more.  Without the Grace of God none of this would be possible.  One of my favorite scriptures states “we are God’s masterpiece” (Ephesians 2:10).  Sometimes I want him to color with a dark purple and he chooses a pastel purple. I do not always agree with the color he chooses for me but I understand he knows exactly where the next brush stroke needs to go.

My husband plays professional basketball overseas, and currently we are in France. It is absolutely beautiful here.  The French are friendly, and actually smile back at me in passing when I smile at them (YAY). Most of the countries we have lived in did not practice the smile language (lol). We have a two year old daughter who just lights up our world.

Love’s Touch

Last week we fed the homeless and prayed for those in need.  Anyone with a cane or visible brace is a green light to us. For instance I chased an elderly lady with a cane down the street just to ask “can I pray with you,” and yes that totally happened.  I don’t want to just host the presence of God but give it away. While feeding the homeless last week everyone we ran into that day spoke English or someone was around who could interpret.  It is uncommon to find individuals who are fluent in English here in Lille, France.  There sitting before us was an elderly man with a cane. We then asked the interpreter to ask him could we pray for him. The interpreter then translated the elderly man’s words back to us as “yes, but I can’t be healed because I had a really bad accident before”.  Then we just started to tell him how God loves to heal and love on people. The pain was in his left hip and left leg. My husband placed his hand on his left hip, and prayed a 15 second prayer and then he asked him walk.  He stood up in pain and grimaces on his face, and then took a few steps. He stated that it still hurt but that it did feel better than before.  We then celebrated because God had come and touched him. Then I prayed a 15 second prayer and had him move his left leg back and forth. He then had an astonished look on his face and said “Its feels a lot better”. He then sat down we kept talking with the interpreter for a while then we all left in different directions. As we looked at the elderly man walk away his walking improved with each step. My husband leaned over to me and said “God said he healed him”.  After about 15 minutes of walking we ran into the same guy and he is carrying his cane! Come on Jesus!!  Just on the other side of pain or fear is your breakthrough.  


Stories of victory make my heart go pitter patter. This is what I give my life for. The very essence of who I am is wrapped up in God choosing to love me.  Before I even said “yes” to loving him, he LOVED me. Radical love becomes radical obedience. It’s super easy to obey when you’re in love.

Love your hearts OUTJ
